Since 1963, Cyprus has established itself as a maritime centre with solid infrastructure and services that successfully meet the growing demands of the globalised industry. Today, the Cypriot maritime registry is one of the largest in the EU and worldwide. Latest figures indicate that shipping contributes almost 7% to Cyprus’ GDP, while Cyprus is the biggest third-party ship management centre in the EU.

The maritime industry also includes an important part of the oil and gas and renewable energy sector. Indeed, the growing importance of the Eastern Mediterranean region in the field of energy, particularly since the discovery of natural gas deposits offshore Israel, Cyprus and Egypt, indicates a growing need to develop the infrastructure to service the burgeoning oil and gas sector. Having played a crucial role in the development of the maritime industry and the establishment of Cyprus as a shipping hub, the RPT Tsanos Group can point to over 55 years of service, experience and expertise in the sector, and is well-positioned to offer multitasked range of services that cover the demands of companies active in the industry.

Lavar Shipping

Lavar Shipping is the flagship company of the RPT Tsanos Group and has been established in 1965

VTS Vasiliko Terminal Services

VTS Vasiliko Terminal Services was established in 2014 with the aim of addressing a need in the market for support to large vessels, in particular oil tankers which utilise the facilities at the VTTV Oil Terminal at Vasilikos which became fully operational in 2014